Software Map Project List (39401 / 60554 ...)

Unix Group Name Group Name Description Download
sapnweclipse(sfnet) SAP NetWeaver Server Adapter for Eclipse Integrates Eclipse with the SAP NetWeaver Appli... DOWNLOAD
xdot_py(freshmeat) is an interactive viewer for graphs wri... DOWNLOAD
qtpod(freshmeat) qtpod qtpod is a Qt application which can control you... DOWNLOAD
legatus(sfnet) Legatus Legatus is a Java project to enable networked p... DOWNLOAD
scotland-yard(sfnet) scotland-yard This is a game of Scotland Yard, which has been... DOWNLOAD
eventedobject(freshmeat) EventedObject EventedObject is a simplistic yet highly useful... DOWNLOAD
cddiscid(freshmeat) cd-discid cd-discid is a backend utility for getting CDDB... DOWNLOAD
simpleclassify(sfnet) Simple Classifier Simple Classifier is a Java based command line ... DOWNLOAD
hlmods(sfnet) hlmods Plugins for TF2, CS:S .. DOWNLOAD
gipfel(freshmeat) gipfel gipfel is a tool to find the names of mountains... DOWNLOAD
pipet(sfnet) PipeT PipeT is a Java library for linking application... DOWNLOAD
imagecrawler(sfnet) imagecrawler The image crawler application is used to collec... DOWNLOAD
zzptool(sfnet) zzptool This tool is specially made for Dutch entrepren... DOWNLOAD
octaspire-crates(freshmeat) Octaspire Crates! Octaspire Crates! is a scriptable, skinnable, e... DOWNLOAD
stuck(freshmeat) Stuck Stuck is a simple, functional, and attractive p... DOWNLOAD
visural-wicket(freshmeat) Visural Wicket visural-wicket is a useful set of light-weight,... DOWNLOAD
pel(freshmeat) PHP Exif Library The PHP Exif Library (PEL) provides an easy-to-... DOWNLOAD
aircrackgui(sfnet) aircrackGui A simple gui for aircrack suite written in c++ ... DOWNLOAD
news-rogue-kill(sfnet) news-rogue-kill Ce logiciel une fois ouvert va télécharger auto... DOWNLOAD
w3rep(sfnet) Warcraft III Replay Parser for PHP Warcraft III Replay Parser for PHP pulls out th... DOWNLOAD
videodb(sfnet) videoDB VideoDB is a database to manage your personal v... DOWNLOAD
vhoststats(freshmeat) vhoststats vhoststats reads an Apache log file with virtua... DOWNLOAD
pkviz(freshmeat) pkviz Pkviz is a tool for plotting and cycling throug... DOWNLOAD
luced(freshmeat) LucED The aim of LucED is to be a fast and responsive... DOWNLOAD
arm-studies(sfnet) arm-studies arm embedded system source and compile studies ... DOWNLOAD
dots(sfnet) Besiege: Defenders of Time and Space This project uses Ardor3D to create a space bas... DOWNLOAD
tungpix(freshmeat) TungPix TungPix is a replacement for the Kodak Palmpix ... DOWNLOAD
pyplt(freshmeat) pyplt pyplt is a personal logging tool, allowing user... DOWNLOAD
sawa-filannino(sfnet) sawa-filannino SAWA calculates a semantic similarity coefficie... DOWNLOAD
ecl(sfnet) ECL Language and Compiler ECL is a system-level specification language fo... DOWNLOAD
jcgo(freshmeat) JCGO JCGO (pronounced as "j-c-go") transla... DOWNLOAD
acivi(freshmeat) I I is a programming language that was designed t... DOWNLOAD
uraniacast(freshmeat) UraniaCast UraniaCast is a non-interactive podcast downloa... DOWNLOAD
prwd(freshmeat) prwd prwd is a tool to print your working directory ... DOWNLOAD
derpibooru-downloader(freshmeat) Derpibooru Downloader Derpibooru Downloader is a little script to sea... DOWNLOAD
appvrepo(sfnet) AppV Repository This project will host a service which will con... DOWNLOAD
jk3d(sfnet) jk3d jk3d is a java code for 3d interpolation of sca... DOWNLOAD
tiliuniitsoft(sfnet) tiliuniitsoft tài liệu học niit dành cho chuyên viên phát tr... DOWNLOAD
web-socket-service(freshmeat) Web Socket Service Web Socket Service is a PHP class which can han... DOWNLOAD
hotshots(freshmeat) HotShots HotShots is an application for capturing screen... DOWNLOAD
staruml-bm(sfnet) StarUML-bm This StarUML module implement the UML profile f... DOWNLOAD
themepark-dx11b(sfnet) themepark-dx11b Rudimentary graphics engine. Implements the bas... DOWNLOAD
gentoocnc(sfnet) Gentoo CNC GentooCNC is a Gentoo based Linux didtribution ... DOWNLOAD
agefodd(sfnet) Agefodd Agefodd is a Dolibarr's ERP module made for tra... DOWNLOAD
st-project(freshmeat) st project st is a script that provides basic functions us... DOWNLOAD
guidgenplus(sfnet) guidgenplus guidgen plus project for delphi DOWNLOAD
espgs(sfnet) ESP Ghostscript ESP Ghostscript is an up-to-date GNU Ghostscrip... DOWNLOAD
stack-apps-flair(freshmeat) Joomla! Stack Apps Flair Module Stack Apps Flair is a simple Joomla! module to ... DOWNLOAD
ilias(sfnet) ilias ILIAS is a web base learning management system ... DOWNLOAD
xymon-alert(freshmeat) Xymon Alert Xymon Alert is a configurable desktop notifier ... DOWNLOAD
fastfoo(freshmeat) fastfoo fastfoo is a CMS developed under CakePHP. DOWNLOAD
mmsrip(freshmeat) MMS Ripper MMSRIP is a client for the proprietary protocol... DOWNLOAD
soft66(freshmeat) soft66 soft66 is a library and related command line to... DOWNLOAD
beaver-backup(freshmeat) Beaver Backup Beaver is a simple concurrent backup system wit... DOWNLOAD
status-404-php-find-best-match(freshmeat) Status 404 PHP Find Best Match Page Status 404 PHP Find Best Match Page is a class ... DOWNLOAD
beobasis(sfnet) BeoBasis BeoBasis is a library that includes apple - Swi... DOWNLOAD
araword(sfnet) AraWord AraWord is a word processor that combines picto... DOWNLOAD
webdav(sfnet) WebDAV.NET Server Framework Microsoft.NET WebDAV Server Framework (RFC2518 ... DOWNLOAD
webpresscreative(sfnet) Web Press Creative GUI Website Web Press Creative (WPC) is a Content Managemen... DOWNLOAD
freetype(sfnet) The FreeType Project The FreeType project develops free, portable an... DOWNLOAD
pachyderm(sfnet) Pachyderm Pachyderm is a web-based rich-media interactive... DOWNLOAD
sobralhost(sfnet) sobralhost aaaaa5777767676767676756744 DOWNLOAD
clock(freshmeat) Screwdriver++ Screwdriver++ is a package with various tools f... DOWNLOAD
igolaware-linux-20(freshmeat) iGolaware Linux iGolaware Linux is an Ubuntu 10.10 derivative i... DOWNLOAD
living-css-tools(freshmeat) Living Css Tools Living Css Tools is a build utility to allow gi... DOWNLOAD
xjoy2key(freshmeat) xjoy2key xjoy2key maps your joystick button presses to k... DOWNLOAD
howl-network-exploitation-tool(freshmeat) Howl Network Exploitation Tool Howl is a multi-purpose network exploitation to... DOWNLOAD
audiobunnymusicfile(freshmeat) Audio::BunnyMusicFile Audio::BunnyMusicFile is a Perl module for work... DOWNLOAD
slidematch(freshmeat) slidematch Slidematch is a media rating, contextual retrie... DOWNLOAD
libfairydust(freshmeat) libfairydust Libfairydust is a small wrapper library intende... DOWNLOAD
asgardians-network-mapper(freshmeat) Asgardian's Network Mapper Asgardian's Network Mapper is a framework of to... DOWNLOAD
musdir(freshmeat) musutil musutil includes several utilities for working ... DOWNLOAD
sigslot(sfnet) C++ Signal/Slot Library (sigslot) Portable C++ type-safe, thread-safe signal/slot... DOWNLOAD
odcleanstore(sfnet) ODClean Store Linked Data management tool with customizable d... DOWNLOAD
alecztor(sfnet) Alecz Tor 1.0 Protect your privacy. Defend yourself against n... DOWNLOAD
flowgrind(freshmeat) Flowgrind Flowgrind is a tool similar to iperf or netperf... DOWNLOAD
liteide(sfnet) liteide LiteIDE is a simple, open source, cross-platfor... DOWNLOAD
wifidisplay(sfnet) Wifi Display Wifi Display is a Wi-Fi Alliance Specification ... DOWNLOAD
swanmodel(sfnet) SWAN SWAN is a third-generation wave model, develope... DOWNLOAD
yochaba(sfnet) under construction A modified version of a popular imageboard soft... DOWNLOAD
sag333ar(sfnet) sag333ar DOWNLOAD
pod-project(sfnet) Pod Project Le projet Pod évolue encore ! Pod Project est u... DOWNLOAD
anonsaba(sfnet) Anonsaba Just a heavy modification of Kusaba. Also pleas... DOWNLOAD
lanpoker-texash(sfnet) LAN Poker - Texas Holdem Texas Hold'em Poker Ziele: - Client um zu Serve... DOWNLOAD
denfent-engine(freshmeat) D'Enfent Engine D'Enfent Engine is a library that contains high... DOWNLOAD
pmsdr(freshmeat) pmsdr pmsdr is software for a low-cost, DDS-less &quo... DOWNLOAD
typolight-2(freshmeat) TYPOlight TYPOlight is a content management system (CMS) ... DOWNLOAD
fango(freshmeat) Fango Fango is a minified (<1000 SLOC) one-file MV... DOWNLOAD
atompub-manager(freshmeat) atomPub Manager Base on the atomPub Publishing Protocol, atomPu... DOWNLOAD
rfc868server(freshmeat) rfc868server rfc868server is a time/date server for rfc868 c... DOWNLOAD
freephpshoppingcartsoftware(freshmeat) FreePHPShoppingCartSoftware FreePHPShoppingCartSoftware includes many featu... DOWNLOAD
xmt-2(freshmeat) XMT XMT (XStream Migration Tool) is a library to mi... DOWNLOAD
mapson(freshmeat) mapSoN mapSoN is an anti-spam system that uses an appr... DOWNLOAD
toxic-template-engine(freshmeat) Toxic Toxic is a general purpose template engine. It ... DOWNLOAD
wxephe(freshmeat) wxEphe wxEphe displays astronomical ephemeris given a ... DOWNLOAD
ttlogfile(sfnet) TTLogFile The component is designed for easy addition of ... DOWNLOAD
wsn-instachat(freshmeat) WSN InstaChat WSN InstaChat is an experimental new kind of ch... DOWNLOAD
bad-peggy(freshmeat) Bad Peggy Bad Peggy searches for damaged JPEG files and v... DOWNLOAD
trupax(freshmeat) TruPax TruPax is a tool for creating TrueCrypt volumes... DOWNLOAD
novius-os-forms(freshmeat) Novius OS Forms Novius OS Forms is an application for Novius OS... DOWNLOAD

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