Software Map Project List (19501 / 60554 ...)

Unix Group Name Group Name Description Download
fontify(freshmeat) Fontify Bundle for GNUMail Fontify Bundle for GNUMail is a very simple bu... DOWNLOAD
izsite(freshmeat) IzSite IzSite is a very simple Web site content manag... DOWNLOAD
filtamp(freshmeat) MCS PGA 64 Filter Amp Controller MCS PGA 64 Filter Amp Controller is a small pro... DOWNLOAD
musix(freshmeat) Musix Musix is a mini Linux distribution for playing ... DOWNLOAD
cprof(freshmeat) cprof Cprof is an enhanced performance profiler tool.... DOWNLOAD
dimpy(freshmeat) Dimpy Dimpy is a digital image management program. Th... DOWNLOAD
jrxtoolkit(freshmeat) JRxToolkit JRxToolkit is a GUI written in Java to test and... DOWNLOAD
morphix(freshmeat) Morphix Morphix is a modular LiveCD distribution. It i... DOWNLOAD
openobex(freshmeat) Openobex The Openobex project aims to make an open sourc... DOWNLOAD
sqjukebox(freshmeat) Squirrel Jukebox Squirrel Jukebox plays all your local MP3 files... DOWNLOAD
jocache(freshmeat) Java Object Cache Java Object Cache is a library which provides b... DOWNLOAD
sfxp(freshmeat) SwiftFXP SwiftFXP is a FlashFXP clone, coded in C using ... DOWNLOAD
lantern(freshmeat) Lantern Lantern is a tool that lets users load XML doc... DOWNLOAD
enhydra-octopus(freshmeat) Octopus Java/XML ETL tool Octopus is a simple Java-based Extraction, Tr... DOWNLOAD
speakhtml(freshmeat) Speakhtml Speakhtml is an HTML generator written in Schem... DOWNLOAD
libchron(freshmeat) libchron libchron is a compact, simple C library for man... DOWNLOAD
xlcleaner(freshmeat) xlcleaner & xlcells xlcleaner & xlcells are utilities for worki... DOWNLOAD
logtomap(freshmeat) Log to Map LogToMap is a tool which takes an access log an... DOWNLOAD
linsms(freshmeat) LinSMS LinSMS allows you to send SMS to Spanish mobile... DOWNLOAD
docpile(freshmeat) DocPile Docpile is a PHP-based document management sys... DOWNLOAD
sc68(freshmeat) sc68 sc68 is a full Atari ST(E) and Amiga music emul... DOWNLOAD
jatha(freshmeat) Jatha Jatha is a macro preprocessor for Java. It's d... DOWNLOAD
diamondwiki(freshmeat) Diamond Wiki Diamond Wiki is an experimental wiki with an em... DOWNLOAD
iobind(freshmeat) IoBind IoBind uses meta-programming and policies to c... DOWNLOAD
sqlppnet(freshmeat) SQLppNet SQLpp is an SQL query generation framework for ... DOWNLOAD
trout(freshmeat) Trout Written in Perl, trout is a server which will s... DOWNLOAD
jamon(freshmeat) Jamon Jamon is a text template engine for Java that ... DOWNLOAD
pygantt(freshmeat) PyGantt PyGantt reads a project description from a xml ... DOWNLOAD
pyamp(freshmeat) Pyamp Pyamp is a music player for KDE that supports ... DOWNLOAD
flava(freshmeat) Flava Flava is a personal video recording system whic... DOWNLOAD
amigashell(freshmeat) AmigaShell AmigaShell makes your shell look just like an A... DOWNLOAD
ibackup(freshmeat) iBackup iBackup simplifies the task of backing up the s... DOWNLOAD
mod_scrmable(freshmeat) Mod_scrmable Mod_scrmable is an Apache module which scramble... DOWNLOAD
privatelsm(freshmeat) Private Private is a kernel module which uses the LSM h... DOWNLOAD
jasperdesigner(freshmeat) Designer for Jasper Designer for Jasper is a visual report designer... DOWNLOAD
glinuxsms(freshmeat) glinuxsms glinuxsms is a GNOME2 front-end for linuxsms t... DOWNLOAD
sorttag(freshmeat) Sorttag Sorttag is a tag library that let you sort a ... DOWNLOAD
sshtools-sshterm(freshmeat) SSHTerm SSHTerm is a fully-featured Java SSH terminal t... DOWNLOAD
rimps(freshmeat) RIMPS RIMPS is a Web based frontend written in PHP, t... DOWNLOAD
magick(freshmeat) Magick Magick IRC services is a program that is design... DOWNLOAD
spam-me-not(freshmeat) Spam-me-not Spam-me-not is a JavaScript form that helps you... DOWNLOAD
whoson(freshmeat) Whoson Whoson (WHO iS ONline) is a proposed Internet p... DOWNLOAD
zmscanner(freshmeat) Zmscanner Zmscanner is an extensible modular content filt... DOWNLOAD
jwall(freshmeat) JWall JWall is a Java-based application for graphical... DOWNLOAD
dweb(freshmeat) dweb Dweb is a set of PHP scripts and modules to cre... DOWNLOAD
wollabot(freshmeat) Wollabot Wollabot is a modular service bot for IRC chann... DOWNLOAD
pblang(freshmeat) PBLang PBLang is a versatile flat file BBS, requiring ... DOWNLOAD
alsapas(freshmeat) ALSA Library Bindings for Pascal alsapas is a Pascal language translation of the... DOWNLOAD
sparse(freshmeat) sparse Sparse is a semantic parser of source files. It... DOWNLOAD
baitnswitch(freshmeat) Bait and Switch Honeypot System The Bait and Switch Honeypot System combines th... DOWNLOAD
pysite(freshmeat) Pysite Pysite is a tool written in Python to generate ... DOWNLOAD
buzztrollmud(freshmeat) BuzzTroll Mud BuzzTroll Mud is a Java-based MUD client for bo... DOWNLOAD
mcl(freshmeat) mcl mcl is a MUD client running in a Virtual Consol... DOWNLOAD
libpdf(freshmeat) libpdf++ A C++ library to generate PDF files. DOWNLOAD
dvddb(freshmeat) DVDdb DVDdb is a web based movie database that allows... DOWNLOAD
picwiz(freshmeat) Picwiz Picwiz is a KDE wizard which resizes any number... DOWNLOAD
enhydrakelp(freshmeat) Kelp The Kelp project includes command line tools, ... DOWNLOAD
enhydradirector(freshmeat) Director Director is a collection of open source Web-ser... DOWNLOAD
enhydradods(freshmeat) DODS Data Object Design Studio is an object/relation... DOWNLOAD
apple2fs(freshmeat) apple2fs This driver is intended to access disks or disk... DOWNLOAD
aethera(freshmeat) Aethera Aethera is a PIM application, i.e. it handles a... DOWNLOAD
ojbc(freshmeat) OJB Console OjBect Console is a Web application that provid... DOWNLOAD
ksubeditor(freshmeat) KDE DivX subtitles editor ksubeditor is a DivX subtitle editor for KDE 3.... DOWNLOAD
lover(freshmeat) Lover Lover is a network communication framework that... DOWNLOAD
dietlinux(freshmeat) dietlinux Dietlinux is a dietlibc-based Linux distributio... DOWNLOAD
joscar(freshmeat) joscar AIM library joscar is an extensible Java library for instan... DOWNLOAD
nekostyle(freshmeat) CyberNeko Style Processor NekoStyle is a simple and flexible framework fo... DOWNLOAD
roadsofserbia(freshmeat) Roads of Serbia Roads of Serbia is a course for TuxRacer/OpenRa... DOWNLOAD
amphetarate(freshmeat) AmphetaRate AmphetaRate is a news server that features &quo... DOWNLOAD
yetanothermailmanager(freshmeat) Yet Another Mail Manager Yet Another Mail Manager (YAMM) is a Java email... DOWNLOAD
quark(freshmeat) Quark Quark is a daemon-like player that uses Xine-l... DOWNLOAD
gaiblobs(freshmeat) GAI Blobs GAI Blobs is a dockapp and GNOME 2 panel applet... DOWNLOAD
gai-nebulus(freshmeat) GAI Nebulus This is a port of the XMMS plugin Nebulus to GA... DOWNLOAD
md5guard(freshmeat) MD5Guard MD5Guard is the client-server application used ... DOWNLOAD
bblcd(freshmeat) Bernhard's Bootable Linux CD BBLCD is a toolkit which allows you to build yo... DOWNLOAD
mt2(freshmeat) MT2 Thumbnailer MT2 Thumbnailer (Make Thumbnails 2) is another ... DOWNLOAD
omcsnet-wn(freshmeat) OMCSNet-WordNet The OMCSNet-WordNet project aims to improve th... DOWNLOAD
upcase(freshmeat) UpCase Installer The aim of the UpCase Installer is to ease the ... DOWNLOAD
yaspi(freshmeat) Yosi's Anti-Spam POP3 fIlter bot yaspi (Yosi's Anti-Spam POP3 fIlter bot) is a P... DOWNLOAD
phpadsnew(freshmeat) phpAdsNew phpAdsNew is an advertisement server with an in... DOWNLOAD
backroute(freshmeat) Backroute Backroute is a lightweight shell script, that m... DOWNLOAD
vipec(freshmeat) ViPEC VIPEC is an network analyser for electrical net... DOWNLOAD
kleds(freshmeat) KLeds KLeds is a tool intended for keyboards without ... DOWNLOAD
jspro(freshmeat) jsPro jsPro is a set of libraries that extend the cor... DOWNLOAD
mp3taglib(freshmeat) mp3taglib mp3taglib is an id3v1/id3v2 MP3 tagging library... DOWNLOAD
libchmxx(freshmeat) libCHMxx libCHMxx is a C++ library for accessing Microso... DOWNLOAD
sleuthkit(freshmeat) The Sleuth Kit The Sleuth Kit is a collection of open source f... DOWNLOAD
autopsy(freshmeat) Autopsy Forensic Browser The Autopsy Forensics Browser is a graphical in... DOWNLOAD
ibargraph(freshmeat) ibargraph ibargraph shows the current throughput on an IS... DOWNLOAD
ictk(freshmeat) Internet Chess ToolKit Internet Chess ToolKit is a Java-based set of l... DOWNLOAD
sshvnc(freshmeat) SSHVnc SSHVnc is a standalone Java VNC viewer that sec... DOWNLOAD
bubblemon(freshmeat) bubblemon bubblemon is a cute CPU/memory usage monitor. I... DOWNLOAD
decked(freshmeat) Decked Decked is a deck editor and sealed deck generat... DOWNLOAD
ez-ipupdate(freshmeat) ez-ipupdate ez-ipupdate is a client for automaticly updatin... DOWNLOAD
tkphone-1_0(freshmeat) TkPhone TkPhone is an application that allows you to re... DOWNLOAD
drawtree(freshmeat) DrawTree Drawtree is a program for visualisation of tree... DOWNLOAD
codeeditor(freshmeat) CodeEditor CodeEditor is an attempt at creating a code edi... DOWNLOAD
qipan(freshmeat) QiPan QiPan is the reference implementation of a cxbo... DOWNLOAD
ssis(freshmeat) Single Source Information Server The Single Source Infomation Server is a suite ... DOWNLOAD
mysticircd(freshmeat) MysticIRCd MysticIRCd is a powerful IRCd with several esse... DOWNLOAD

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