Software Map Project List (36701 / 60554 ...)

Unix Group Name Group Name Description Download
redshiftgui(freshmeat) Redshiftgui Redshiftgui changes the color temperature of yo... DOWNLOAD
voxforge(sfnet) voxforge VoxForge collects user-submitted speech audio f... DOWNLOAD
beagle(sfnet) Open BEAGLE The project has moved on Google Code: http://co... DOWNLOAD
mpatrol(sfnet) mpatrol mpatrol is a link library that attempts to diag... DOWNLOAD
lynxfs(freshmeat) LynxFS LynxFS is a filesystem driver for LynxOS filesy... DOWNLOAD
smartcarproject(sfnet) Smart Car Project AVR-based distributed control system for cars. ... DOWNLOAD
winborderstrip(sfnet) windows border stripper GUI Windows (OS) program that allows you to str... DOWNLOAD
xvidenc(sfnet) xvidenc Advanced shell script for encoding DVDs or vide... DOWNLOAD
paintbrush(sfnet) Paintbrush Paintbrush is a Cocoa-based paint program for M... DOWNLOAD
pldoc(sfnet) PLDoc Javadoc-like tool for PL/SQL DOWNLOAD
darksebastian(sfnet) Dark Sebastian this is for my own,so I guess no one else could... DOWNLOAD
reconststereo(sfnet) reconststereo System Prototype to make 3D reconstruction solu... DOWNLOAD
haxxorevolution(sfnet) haxxorevolution This is private haxxing project DOWNLOAD
wfde(sfnet) War FTP Daemon Engine A generic C++ class library for FTP server impl... DOWNLOAD
jtrainsimulator(sfnet) Java Train Simulator This a train simulator developped in Java langu... DOWNLOAD
jwhoisserver(freshmeat) JWhoisServer JWhoisServer is a small, fast, and highly confi... DOWNLOAD
stlsoft(sfnet) STLSoft C and C++ Libraries Robust, Lightweight, Cross-platform, Template S... DOWNLOAD
mindbender(freshmeat) Mindbender Mindbender is a game which works like Mastermin... DOWNLOAD
debea(freshmeat) Debea Database Access Library The Debea Database Access Library is a collecti... DOWNLOAD
basqet(freshmeat) Basqet Basqet is a tool for organizing notes, ideas, a... DOWNLOAD
lcab(freshmeat) lcab lcab (formerly known as Cablinux) makes a Micro... DOWNLOAD
qellcode-bahn(freshmeat) Quellcode Bahn QB (Quellcode Bahn) is a program that manages t... DOWNLOAD
captcha-2(freshmeat) libcaptcha Libcaptcha is a small, portable CAPTCHA image g... DOWNLOAD
phgstats(sfnet) phgstats - php game server status gameserver status script / gameserver query: AA... DOWNLOAD
usebb(freshmeat) UseBB UseBB is a PHP/MySQL forum package. Unlike othe... DOWNLOAD
sqplus(sfnet) SqPlus SqPlus is an easy to use and powerful C/C++ bin... DOWNLOAD
aeroswitch(sfnet) AeroSwitch Easily switch Windows Aero on and off! OS: Win... DOWNLOAD
bin2bmp(sfnet) python-datavis This is a neat little tool to visualize binary ... DOWNLOAD
bviplus(freshmeat) bviplus Bviplus is a console ncurses based binary file ... DOWNLOAD
convex-processing(freshmeat) Convex processing Convex processing is a quick and efficient libr... DOWNLOAD
leafpad(freshmeat) Leafpad Leafpad is a GTK+ based text editor that emphas... DOWNLOAD
elua(freshmeat) eLua eLua (Embedded Lua) aims to introduce the progr... DOWNLOAD
github-fork-parent(freshmeat) Github-Fork-Parent Github-Fork-Parent is a Perl module to determin... DOWNLOAD
simplepattern(freshmeat) SimplePattern SimplePattern is a very basic and simple applic... DOWNLOAD
objlib(freshmeat) ObjLib ObjLib provides an API and implementation for m... DOWNLOAD
clinet(freshmeat) clinet Clinet is a simple IRC client for Android phone... DOWNLOAD
cppunit(sfnet) CppUnit - C++ port of JUnit CppUnit is the C++ port of the famous JUnit fra... DOWNLOAD
esftp(sfnet) esftp This is an Eclipse Plugin that allows upload an... DOWNLOAD
boogie(sfnet) boogie Boogie is a Javascript implementation of Java's... DOWNLOAD
libsrs2(freshmeat) libsrs2 libsrs2 is the next generation SRS library. SPF... DOWNLOAD
kerblue(sfnet) KerBlue KerBlue offers a sustainable development archit... DOWNLOAD
tuntaposx(sfnet) tuntaposx Unix-style tun and tap virtual network interfac... DOWNLOAD
min(sfnet) min MIN is an advanced unit/integration test framew... DOWNLOAD
windowsrawprint(sfnet) Windows RAW Print Program that prints RAW data to installed print... DOWNLOAD
v4l-lib(sfnet) V4L Library Library video in Linux DOWNLOAD
sdl-mng(freshmeat) SDL MNG library SDL MNG library is a library to load MNG files ... DOWNLOAD
oommf-2dpbc(sfnet) OOMMF-2DPBC Two-dimensional periodic boundary conditions ex... DOWNLOAD
qfsm(sfnet) Qfsm A graphical tool for designing finite state mac... DOWNLOAD
iisldapauth(sfnet) IIS LDAP Authentication ISAPI Module IIS LDAP Auth provides LDAP authentication func... DOWNLOAD
libspf2(freshmeat) libspf2 SPF is a new strategy for preventing junk mail.... DOWNLOAD
segatex(sfnet) segatex segatex is a program even if not knowing much a... DOWNLOAD
mbrowse(sfnet) mbrowse A graphical SNMP MIB browser based on GTK+ and ... DOWNLOAD
ggt(sfnet) Generic Graphics Toolkit The Generic Graphics Toolkit is a library of ge... DOWNLOAD
sivic(sfnet) SIVIC SIVIC is an open-source, standards-based softwa... DOWNLOAD
esbrowsers(sfnet) Eclipse Style Browsers If you ever worked with VisualAge or it's prede... DOWNLOAD
plazma(sfnet) plazma Plazma ERP+CRM solution written in Java based o... DOWNLOAD
faceboek(sfnet) FACEBOEK Mau keluar rumah? Tetaplah berhubungan Kunjungi... DOWNLOAD
ap242-bom(sfnet) AP242 Business Object Model AP242 is a new STEP standard to unify aerospace... DOWNLOAD
sopcast-player(sfnet) sopcast-player SopCast Player is designed to be an easy to use... DOWNLOAD
mediawikicms(sfnet) mwCMS This CMS is based on YAML and MediaWiki. mwCMS ... DOWNLOAD
showmix(sfnet) ShowMix This is an XBMC skin called ShowMix DOWNLOAD
dz(freshmeat) DIY Zoning DIY Zoning is a set of tools and instructions f... DOWNLOAD
orchestra-the-restoration(freshmeat) Orchestra: The Restoration Orchestra is an RPG game set in the police-stat... DOWNLOAD
gwt-mobile-webkit(freshmeat) GWT Mobile WebKit GWT Mobile WebKit is a library that exposes HTM... DOWNLOAD
xsane(freshmeat) XSane XSane is a GTK-based X11 frontend for SANE. It ... DOWNLOAD
php-pecl-zip(freshmeat) php pecl zip extension This is a PECL package for accessing and readin... DOWNLOAD
usbmanager(freshmeat) USBManager USBManager is a simple and intuitive tool devel... DOWNLOAD
accessmusic(sfnet) Accessible Music Production Software The AccessMusic project provides a set of tools... DOWNLOAD
anewssystem(sfnet) anewssystem 这是一个使用springmvc+hibernate+freemarker+extj... DOWNLOAD
wnwb(sfnet) wnwb 首先说明的是,这是一个在ubuntu环境下的输入法的... DOWNLOAD
ass4oss(sfnet) ass4oss for the last time!!!! DOWNLOAD
symbiont(sfnet) The Symbiont Workstation Manager The Symbiont Workstation Manager provides a Web... DOWNLOAD
pkg-cacher(sfnet) Package Cacher This is a transparent cache for Debian and RedH... DOWNLOAD
freenet(sfnet) The Freenet Project Development of a Java application designed to a... DOWNLOAD
cdrdao(sfnet) cdrdao CD recording in DAO mode, console and Gnome bas... DOWNLOAD
b9ddns(sfnet) Webmin BIND 9 dynamic DNS module BIND 9 dynamic DNS webmin module. This module s... DOWNLOAD
miranda-icq(sfnet) Miranda A free Win32 instant messaging client. Smaller,... DOWNLOAD
gtk-gnutella(sfnet) Gtk-Gnutella A GTK+ Gnutella client, efficient, reliable and... DOWNLOAD
mfl(sfnet) MFL - Mobile File Loader Mobile File Loader aims for a simple mobile app... DOWNLOAD
acts(sfnet) acts ACTS is a free church management software / sys... DOWNLOAD
btvrename(sfnet) BTV Rename The goal of this project is 100% TVDB recogniti... DOWNLOAD
openttd-psp(sfnet) OpenTTD-PSP An Openttd port for PSP. OpenTTD is a clone of ... DOWNLOAD
crawlzilla(sfnet) crawlzilla Crawlzilla is a cluster-based search engine dep... DOWNLOAD
scmxx(sfnet) SCMxx SCMxx allows you to exchange certain types of d... DOWNLOAD
xfce-embed-plugin(freshmeat) Xfce Embed Plugin Xfce Embed Plugin enables the embedding of arbi... DOWNLOAD
injection(sfnet) Injection Injection is a UOAssist Open Source Clone for U... DOWNLOAD
dedexer(sfnet) dedexer Dedexer is a disassembler tool for Android DEX ... DOWNLOAD
nintendulator(sfnet) Nintendulator A Win32 NES emulator written in C++ with inline... DOWNLOAD
jgrib(sfnet) Java GRIB reader JGRIB a Java program to read GRIB (GRid in Bina... DOWNLOAD
scrumpoker(sfnet) SCRUM Planning Poker SCRUM Planning Poker is a web application writt... DOWNLOAD
the-jumble(sfnet) The Jumble The Jumble est un blog. DOWNLOAD
mxcontrol(sfnet) MXControl The MXControl project aims to create a set of t... DOWNLOAD
python-magento-api(freshmeat) Python Magento API Python Magento API is a Python interface to the... DOWNLOAD
exceptions4c(freshmeat) exceptions4c exceptions4c is a tiny, portable framework that... DOWNLOAD
phpj(freshmeat) phpj phpj is a Java implementation of a PHP-like lan... DOWNLOAD
datadraw(freshmeat) DataDraw DataDraw is a feature rich persistent database ... DOWNLOAD
dea-captcha(freshmeat) dea captcha dea captcha is a script for generating CAPTCHA ... DOWNLOAD
svgpage(freshmeat) SVGpage SVGpage is an application that will render PNG ... DOWNLOAD
net-sc(freshmeat) Net-SC Net-SC is a Perl module for creating a chain fr... DOWNLOAD
_new(freshmeat) _new _new is a small memory debugger that helps you ... DOWNLOAD

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